Entries by Philip

The Footpath that belongs to No One

The footpath down the side of St Mary’s Churchyard by Turpyn Court has regularly come up as somewhere that misses out on maintenance and the litter-picking schedule. Reports from Ward Councillor Peter McDonald and us frequently receive a mixed response from Milton Keynes Council (MKC) often with no action taking place. We have been told […]

MK50 – Celebrating Milton Keynes’ 50th Anniversary

MK50 – Celebrating Milton Keynes’ 50th Anniversary On 23rd January 2017, Milton Keynes will celebrate its 50th anniversary marking the date of the Designation of the New Town. This gives a fantastic opportunity to celebrate how far Milton Keynes has come as a city, to present to the world its unique story, and to look […]

Canal & River Trust – Bridge 87 Repairs

There are planned repairs to Bridge 87 on the Grand Union Canal (marked on the map below). This work is now scheduled to start on the 1st February 2016. The works will be completed 20th April 2016. The path over the bridge will be closed during the works, but a diversion route has been agreed with MK Council. […]