Policy for siting bins
As a Parish Council, we monitor the efficiency of all our bins by obtaining an annual report from the contractor. If we find a particular bin is consistently empty, then we re-site it by a more frequently used path. Similarly, if we find a pile of poo bags deposited on the ground, we will consider placing a bin in the vicinity. We are always open to comments, suggestions and requests from our parishioners, so do contact us either by email to the clerk or through this web site. There are regulations which sometimes prevent us from meeting your requests, but we will do our best.
Litter bin
There are two litter bins serviced by the Parish Council. One is placed just to the East of the bridge over the canal between Woughton Park and the green area near Passmore. Locally this bridge is known as “The Iron Bridge”, it is actually Bridge 90B. You may place double bagged dog poo in this bin also. The second litter bin is located in the car park just off Newport Road opposite Castle Rose.