Police warning to mark spare wheels on vehicles – Milton Keynes
Thames Valley Police is advising people to mark their spare wheels on their cars, following an increase in thefts of spare wheels in Milton Keynes.
Since this increase in thefts of spare wheels, Milton Keynes Police have carried out wheel markings on many spare wheels. These markings are both completely invisible and hardwearing, which allows Police to clearly track and identify stolen wheels and return them to the owner.
Alternatively, you can etch or emboss identifiable marks on the spare wheel, which will also make your spare wheel easily distinguishable to police when returning. We also advise members of the public to registering your property for free at www.immobilise.com, which enables wheels, and other valuable possessions to be traced and identified by police if stolen.
For more crime reduction advice, visit the crime reduction pages of our website where you will find specific auto crime advice