Investment Fraud & a new Self Help Tool Centre

Dear resident,

Investments are a favourite trick used by fraudsters to steal your money … either funds you’ve put aside ‘for a rainy day’ or life savings to be used for a dream holiday or your retirement.

Between 2020 and the end of 2023, nearly 100,000 people in the UK fell victim to investment scams, totalling £2.6 billion or £13 million every week. These figures refer only to reported scams, so are likely to be considerably higher.

To learn how to invest wisely and avoid being a victim in this way read the latest tips and advice from Get Safe Online, either in the leaflet attached or in the below link:

Finally, Get Safe Online has this week launched a new ‘Self Help Tool Centre’ – nine free, easy-to-use to use tools to help keep you and your family safe, secure and confident when using the internet.  It can be accessed here:

We hope you find these useful.