November 2021 OUR NEWS
The November newsletter edition for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales can be read here.
Do you know someone affected by ASB? 43% of victims say it’s affected their mental health. Our ASB webinar, featuring an expert speaker from the charity ASB Help, on the 15th November is open to the public but spaces are limited. Find out more including a link to book on page 2 of our newsletter.
The newsletter also features articles on: saying NO to ASB and tackling it as a community; fraud trends; staying safe as the nights draw in; looking closer to protect children from county lines; the relaunched Neighbourhood Watch Community Grants Fund; keeping Covid-19 at bay this winter; and more.
Read the November OUR NEWS newsletter here.
Best wishes,
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Neighbourhood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349