Use of footpaths and bridleways
With everyone out using our lovely countryside as part of their daily exercise please remember that the footpaths (yellow markers) are for walking and running and not for cycling. The bridleways (blue markers) can be used for cycling as well as walking & horse riding.
Please don’t ride bikes on the footpaths around the fields. To find all the bridleways / footpaths around a village go to Go to My Maps, navigate over to the area where you want to walk, then click on “Public Rights of Way” from the list on the left side to turn on the rights of way layer. The bridleways will be marked in green, and footpaths in purple.
There have been recent incidents of uncontrolled dogs harassing ewes and lambs, and also of damage to crops. So please stay on the footpaths, keep your dog under close control, and enjoy our glorious countryside.