Victims First Facebook page
The Police and Crime Commissioner’s new initiative Victims First now has a Facebook page to keep people up to date on information, advice and support for victims of crime
Victims First is a website which has advice on what to do and how to get help if you’ve been a victim of crime, including information on what you should expect from the police and other criminal justice agencies if you report the crime.
The focal point of the website is a directory which allows victims to find relevant support to help them cope and recover from the impact of the crime. You can use the website to refer yourself directly to the PCC’s own support services, using the online form, or find information and contact details for other organisations. This support is available regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.
If you’ve been a victim of crime, Victims First can help you find the support you need. You can also follow the Victims First Facebook page for hints, tips and advice on staying safe and interesting comments and views on topical news. It will also share some inspiring victim stories, and how they’re coping after the crime.