There have been a number of burglaries in the area recently and they seen to be targeting UPVC front doors. Ed Allington the Crime Reduction Advisor for Milton Keynes has put together some useful information below.


Dear Resident,

There have recently been a number of burglaries in the area where homes have been entered for the purpose of stealing car keys and other valuable items such as hand bags, computers, house keys, mobile phones, Satellite Navigation systems etc.

Entry to homes has been made in a number of ways but, the most common involves UPVC front doors which have not been locked properly using the key.

Offenders use an implement to force open the door, reach through the letter box with an arm or implement to reach keys or simply pull the handle down through the letter box to open the door.

Most of the offences have taken place overnight but there have been some daytime offences.

It is imperative that residents ensure that they check, shut and lock all doors and windows before going out, overnight and when any room is unoccupied.

This includes key locking doors with handle operated locking systems, pulling the handle up is not enough to prevent entry. The key must be used to actually lock the door.

Do not leave your keys in the door or anywhere nearby where they could possible be hooked out by an arm or implement, but keep them in a safe place ready for use in case of an emergency to exit the house.

Keep your car keys out of sight of doors and windows.

Ensure that all garden tools are securely locked away.

If you have a security alarm system which can be zone set to the ground floor, use this when you go to bed.

Join the Police Thames Valley Alert service to receive updates on crimes or suspicious activity in your area together with security and crime prevention advice at  

Now is the time to act to safeguard your home and property

Further information and advice can be obtained from the Thames Valley Police web site at  and by selecting the Crime Reduction Section or via the SaferMK web site at  

If you have information about burglaries or criminal activity, Thames Valley Police can be contacted on 101. If you wish to remain anonymous you can call the Crimestoppers charity without providing your personal details on 0800 555 111.