PCC Online Survey
Just over three weeks left to complete the PCC’s online survey The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Anthony Stansfeld, is seeking your views on policing and crime to help inform his next Police and Crime Plan. The Police and Crime Plan sets out the PCCs priorities and objectives for the Thames Valley. From this plan, the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police and other partners will develop their own annual service delivery plans. If you would like to share your views and help inform the next Plan then please visit www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/survey to complete our short survey. To ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to give their views please also share the link with other individuals and groups. Police and Crime Commissioner, Anthony Stansfeld said: ‘An important part of my role as PCC is to engage with local communities. This survey gives people the opportunity to tell us what is important to them. Their response can help shape the direction of the next Police and Crime Plan and I encourage anyone living or working in the Thames Valley to complete it.’ The survey can be found at www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/survey and will be open until 30 September 2016. Paper copies can also be requested by emailing pcc@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk or calling 01865 846780. As well as the online survey the Office of the PCC (OPCC) will be attending events across the Thames Valley to engage with communities face to face. For details of events the OPCC will be attending, visit www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/news-and-events/events-calendar/