Money Seized from Criminals By Thames Valley Police Given Back To Communities

£100,000 is being made available for local voluntary and community groups following the sale of items seized by Police in multiple operations, which cannot be returned to their rightful owners.

Thanks to this success, community and voluntary groups are now able to apply for funding to deliver projects that tackle one of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Police and Criminal Justice Plan priorities:

  • Strong Local Policing (preventing crime & protecting communities)
  • Fighting Serious Organised Crime (protecting vulnerable people)
  • Fighting Fraud & Cybercrime (fighting modern crimes
  • Improving the Criminal Justice System (reducing re-offending)
  • Tackling illegal encampments (reducing the impact of encampments)

The fund is jointly managed by Thames Valley Police Chief Constable, John Campbell and Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber and aims to put money that has been made following the sale of items seized from criminals, to worthy initiatives within the community. Funding is made available twice a year and organisations from across the force area are invited to apply.

The closing date for this round of applications is 4pm on Friday 4 March and applications will be considered jointly by the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Chief Constable John Campbell, said: “Using money generated from the sale of items seized from criminals that cannot be returned to their rightful owners is a great way of funding worthy projects and other work across the Thames Valley.

“This funding will play a big part in helping voluntary and community groups across the Thames Valley. It will allow them to continue to run projects that play such a big role in preventing crime and protecting our communities.

“As ever, we are particularly keen to receive bids for this money from organisations that support our priority areas.”

Further information and the application form can be found at:

Successful recipients will be invited to attend a presentation ceremony, due to be held in April 2022.