Patch Allotment Open Day

Sizzling sausages, bacon and burgers were much in demand at the Patch on Saturday 16th July.   A steady stream of guests joined plot-holders from 10am until 4pm to catch up on recent developments as well as sharing news around their local areas.  Chickens, bees and a scarecrow were inspected.

One hundred and five visitors were counted in, including eight children; a few more are known to have sneaked in with approaching lunchtime!  A gardening border set of a fork & spade was won in the Free Draw by Janet Wales, a Tinkers Bridge resident.  Registrations showed that just over half the visitors were residents scattered around MK6 and the rest spread more widely – one was welcomed from London!

There was complimentary alfresco food and refreshments in the marquee, all supplied through the generosity of members and friends and well matched with some financial support from the Association and Old Woughton Parish Council.  The raffle, with its usual abundance of donated prizes, raised £75 towards running the event.

The weather was on its best behaviour: no rain, a pleasant, cooling breeze in intense sunshine after a rather cloudy early start. Allotment plot holder, Helen Plimmer was judged to rent the “Best Kept Allotment – 2016” by visiting judges Brian and Barry from Conniburrow Allotments – the trophy will be presented at the Association’s AGM next March.