MK Highways News

Welcome to the March edition of the MK Highways newsletter.

In this edition is a round up of the latest news, events and information from the Council’s Highways team.

Every day the Highways team receives a large volume of queries and reports of issues affecting the highway network. Each enquiry received by the team is logged and inspections are carried out to assess what the reported damage is and how urgently it needs to be fixed.

To report an issue use our online form, it’s quick and easy to use and the query goes straight to the team. You will also receive a reference number so you can be updated on your query.

In This Issue


Fixing the Links’ Project Starts in Bletchley

Links'Project BletchleyWork has already started in Bletchley between Buckingham Road and Locke Road to up-grade the pedestrian and cyclist links between Bletchley Rail Station and the town centre.

The aim is to improve the journey experience between the railway station and the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists and to address issues such as road safety.

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Energy saving LED scheme wins government funding

Energy Saving LED SchemeA pilot scheme devised and developed by the Council’s street lighting team showed how converting street lanterns in a test area actually reduced the amount of energy used even during high demand periods. The scheme has now been awarded a share of £4.74m following the bidding process.

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Road signs to get a Spring Clean!

Road Signs Spring CleanUp to 100 road signs along the grid roads will be cleaned as part of a spring clean operation starting in February. The work will be done by Serco, the Council’s cleaning contractor and will take a few weeks to complete.

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POD signage goes up in CMK

POD SignageThe Highways team and their service provider, Ringway have carried out a full site review for the driverless pods requirements and have already installed over 153 signs across CMK.

One of the three initial pods to travel from Station Square up Midsummer Boulevard was displayed to media last September.

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Illuminated Furniture trial

Illuminated Furniture TrialThe Council’s Highway team has just completed a trial to reduce the amount of energy used to illuminate street furniture such as street lighting, illuminated traffic signs, illuminated traffic bollards, solar power bollards, beacons and underpass fittings.

We spend around £250k per year on lighting street furniture across the city which is why the Highways team began a trial to look at ways this figure could be reduced by using more energy efficient products.

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Latest planned Highway works

Planned Highway worksHere’s a round up of work that is happening across the Milton Keynes Borough over the next few weeks including resufacing, road closures, big events and repair work.

Further information can be found on the Highways webpages

Alternatively visit

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Coming soon… a new look for the website

New Look WebsiteThe Highways sections of the Council’s website are being reviewed and we are looking at putting all Highways and Transport information under one simple button to make it more user friendly and promoting a ‘one stop shop’ for all Highways and Transport information.

If you have any comments or suggestions on this please let us know by emailing:



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