This Website has been created by Old Woughton Parish Council for the purpose of providing a community information resource to people living, working and visiting Old Woughton Parish.

Terms and Conditions

By using this website  (the “Website”), you accept these Terms & Conditions and agree to abide by them. If you do not accept these Terms & Conditions, do not use this Website.

This Website is managed by Old Woughton Parish Council (OWPC), with a registered address of PO Box 6548, Milton Keynes, MK10 1AB. You can contact us using the following email address


OWPC owns the copyright of any logo, and any other promotional logo or wording, which appears on this website. Unauthorised use of these by others is prohibited.

Unless written permission is first obtained from OWPC, by applying to the Clerk at, any use of the Website for commercial purposes is prohibited: you must not (whether directly or indirectly) copy, download, store, make available, or distribute any part of the content or Website for commercial purposes, or download or otherwise copy (whether directly or indirectly) any content, files or data from the Website to make or populate a database or publication of any kind whatsoever.

OWPC has no objection to the use of the text contained on the web site for the purposes of any personal or educational use or private research. However, any use of images, photos, videos and/or audio files may constitute an infringement of OWPC’s or a third party’s rights.

If you use any of our web pages (in full or in part), we would appreciate appropriate recognition of the origin (OWPC), together with a link to our home page at

Third party content and links available on this Website

Please note that the inclusion of a link to the website of another organisation from any pages on the OWPC Website does NOT constitute recommendation, endorsement or accuracy of the information or of any statement made, opinion expressed by that organisation or its web site by OWPC.

We are not liable or responsible for the third party content on this Website. Third party content includes, for example, comments posted by users.

If you see something which you reasonably believe breaches these Terms & Conditions, please report this to

Web Site Content

The information contained on this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice. Whilst OWPC makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in the documents stored, served and accessed by this Website, you must NOT assume that this web site is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

You should check any information on the Website and use your own judgment before doing or not doing anything on the basis of what you see. We give no warranties of any kind in relation to the Website or its contents and OWPC, its employees and agents will not be responsible for any loss, however arising, from the use of, or reliance on this information.

Submitting comments & other material

If you want to post comments, you must enter your name and a valid email address.  You must not impersonate or try to impersonate another person.

You must not submit any comments or other material (“Your Content”) to our Website that is:

  • defamatory, malicious, threatening, false, misleading, offensive, abusive, discriminatory, harassing, blasphemous or racist;
  • indecent, obscene or of a sexual nature;
  • a breach of confidentiality or someone’s privacy;
  • likely to prejudice any active legal proceedings of which you are aware;
  • likely to cause someone alarm, anxiety or distress;
  • likely to encourage violence or racial or religious hatred;
  • infringes any intellectual property rights, such as copyright and trademarks
  • encourages or teaches conduct that is a criminal offence, gives rise to civil liability, or is otherwise unlawful;
  • impersonates anyone else or otherwise misrepresents your identity, affiliation or status;
  • technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other malicious software, harmful data or conduct); or
  • advertises any commercial product or services without our prior permission.

You must not try to get round any protections we put in place for the security and operation of the Website.

You must not re-submit content which you are aware has been removed.

We may publish, check, edit or remove all or part of Your Content , including your name, town and country, which you submit to us at our sole discretion. We are not obliged to do any of these things and we may not.

You retain any copyright you may have in Your Content. By submitting material to us, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive worldwide licence to use, copy, edit, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, make available, communicate and distribute Your Content (in whole or part) for non-commercial purposes by us. By submitting Your Content, you warrant that you have the right to grant this licence. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.

Please note that we do not check, monitor, moderate or even see all the comments and other material submitted to us.

Maintenance of the Website

The Website relies in part on software to work. Software has bugs. Whilst we will monitor the Website and try to fix bugs, we cannot guarantee that the Website or any individual feature of the Website will be error free, available all the time and/or free from viruses.

We will try to do scheduled maintenance during times when we anticipate that online use is lower than normal.

We also need to be able to do emergency maintenance and/or suspend access to the servers where, in our reasonable discretion, we see the need to do that. We will try to have the Website available again as soon as we think it is safe to do so.

Your personal information

We will use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms & Conditions. Please read our Privacy Policy now.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

If any part or provision of these Terms & Conditions is found to be unlawful or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of any other part or provision.

These Terms are governed by English law. The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating to these Terms & Conditions.